1. The organizers of WDD-2016 welcome all abstracts within the scope of the meeting. Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by experts and be scheduled for either oral or poster presentation during the congress if the topic is relevant and the quality of the data justifies scheduling. Irrelevant or poor-quality abstracts may be rejected.
2. Abstracts shall be submitted to our coordinators by email: jessica@dnaday.com.
3. Abstracts need to written in clear English, taking into account the specifications below (see also sample on the next page):
Maximum word count of abstract title: 20 words.
Maximum word count of abstract text: 350 words (adjust in case of tables/figures).
Abstract topic should be selected during the online submission process from the list of predefined topics to facilitate abstract review and scheduling.
A minimum of three specific keywords should be added during online submission for indexing of the abstract. Specific keywords are: name(s) of drug(s) investigated, molecular target molecule(s), disease(s) studied, biochemical or biological function(s) studied. Avoid the use of vague keywords, such as: angiogenesis, cell death, cancer, tumor, drug development, drug therapy. The Organizing Committee of WDD-2016 reserves the rights to delete, edit, or add keywords to achieve uniformity throughout abstract publications.
Use International Nonproprietary Names (INN) or research codes to identify drugs throughout the abstract. Proprietary names may be used in the abstract text, not the abstract title. The first time the drug is mentioned use the INN and put proprietary names between brackets.
The identity of a new, previously unpublished drug substance should be disclosed in the abstract, either by providing its structural formula or its full chemical name
4. Abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. No editing of abstract texts will be done. However, non-adherence to the above guidelines may be corrected (e.g. use of drug names, keywords) by the meeting organizers.
5. After submission abstracts can no longer be changed by the authors. Should minor changes be necessary after submission, the author should notify Ms. Jessica Tong at Jessica@dnaday.com describing exactly the nature of the change to be made. The WDD-2016 organizers will then implement the change. If major changes are required the author should submit a revised abstract as an entirely new abstract and send a request to Jessica@dnaday.com to delete the original abstract. The addition of a co-author constitutes a major change.
6. After completion of the abstract review, the submitting author will receive scheduling information via email. Abstracts cannot be withdrawn after receipt of the scheduling information by the submitting author. The presenting author must be registered as a WDD-2016 participant for final scheduling and publication of the abstract.
7. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Congress Proceedings. The authors of the submitted abstracts will take responsibility for any Intellectual Property issues concerning the abstracts on their own. The organizing committee of WDD-2016 reserves the right to use the submitted abstracts for conference purposes.
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