About WDD

World DNA and Genome Day is the most influential congress that we organized in the past 20 years. The aim of World DNA and Genome Day-2025 (WDD-2025) is to follow up the commemoration of the 72th anniversary of the publication of DNA double-helix structure in Nature from April 25, 1953 by Dr. James Watson and Dr. Francis Crick. WDD-2025, which will be held during April 23-25, 2025 in Nara, Japan, is a dedicated conference where you will have the opportunity to learn about new developments in the field of Life Science and Bio-Industries and share aspects of your own work by submitting a poster or oral presentation. We are proposing the excellent and unique scientific program, which will be interested to many researchers, specialists, enterprisers. With the communication of outstanding international experts, we hope productive discussions would stimulate creative ideas to translate new discoveries into better practice and application.



dvanced Partnering Opportunities

Invite 8 World Leading Scientists Provide Visionary Biotech Blueprint
Attract 200 Distinguished Experts Offering excellent Oral Presentations
Invite Experts, Investors, and Decision Makers from 40+ Countries
Design 20+ Sessions of Scientific Forums, Symposia and Workshops
Gather 30+ Posters and Exhibitors in Cutting-edge Technologies and Novel Bio products



onference Themes

Theme: Unlocking the Power of Gene
Track 1: Main Conference
Track 2: Scientific Program
Stream 1: Breaking Research of DNA Sciences
Stream 2: Frontier DNA Technologies
Stream 3: Medical andIndustrial Applications
Stream 4: Business and Career Development
Stream 5: Social & Cultural Activities



ech Tour

Welcome to Nara, that is a popular travel destination in Japan. You are welcome to visit more cities in the gorgeous spring season for fun.



reat Activities

To Celebrate the Discovery of The DNA Double Helix.
To Be Ambassador, Disseminate Knowledge of Life Science.

Keynote Speaker of 2025 Event

Dr. Candan Tamerler
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Kansas, USA; Fellow of the Turkish Academy of Sciences
Dr. Y. James Kang,
Chief Scientist, Tasly Stem Cell Biology Laboratory, China
Dr. Yashwant Pathak
Professor and Associate Dean, USF Health Taneja College of Pharmacy, University of South Florida, USA
Dr. Jake Jinkun Chen
Professor, Tufts University, USA
Dr. Stephen L. Mayo
Bren Professor of Biology and Chemistry and Merkin Institute; Professor, California Institute of Technology, USA; Member, National Academy of Sciences



Renowned Speakers of 2025 Event

Dr. Alberto Saiani,
Professor, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Aline Miller,
Professor, University of Manchester, UK
Dr. Petr Maly,
Head of Laboratory, BIOCEV Research Center, Czech Republic
Dr. Wolfgang Rapp,
CEO, Rapp Polymere GmbH, Germany
Dr. Peter N. Lipke,
Professor, Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, USA
Dr. Bita Zaferanloo,
Senior Lecturer, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Dr. Kartlos Kachiashvili,
Professor, Georgian Technical University, Georgia; Member of Georgian National Academy of Science
Dr. Behrooz Sharifi,
Professor, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA
Dr. Alireza Mousavi,
Professor, Brunel University, UK
Dr. Yukihiro Ozaki,
Professor Emeritus, Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan
Dr. Federico Marini,
Professor, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Dr. Frantisek Kacik,
Professor, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
Dr. Tedros Bezabeh,
Professor, University of Guam, USA
Dr. Nit Giladi,
Professor & Director of Brain Institute, Tel-Aviv University and Medical Center, Israel
Dr. Danica Kacikova,
Professor, Technical University in Zvolen, Slovakia
Dr. Michael Barilan,
Professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Dr. Thomas Schneider,
Medical Director, St. Vincentius Clinics, Germany
Dr. Jinzhao Song,
Professor, Cancer Hospital of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Dr. Jun Zhu,
Professor, University of South Carolina, USA
Dr. Asaf Hellman Vi,
Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Dr. Zeineb Nhouchi,
Professor, ISIPCA, France
Dr. Liudmila Kveglis,
Professor, Sarsen Amanjolov East Kazakhstan University, Russia
Dr. Antonio Nilson Zamuner Filho,
Professor, Federal University of Catalao, Brazil
Dr. Ming-Tsang Wu,
Distinguished Professor, Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan, China
Dr. Chia-chi Liu,
Scientist, University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. Takashi Yamamoto,
Owner, Consultant, Bacillus Tech LLC, USA
Dr. Zhouli Xie,
Associate Professor, Huazhong Agricultural University, China
Dr. Ayse Oner,
Professor, Taksim and Kayseri Hospital, Turkey
Dr. Fumiaki Uchiumi,
Professor, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Dr. Alexey N. Inyushkin,
Professor, Samara National Research University, Russia

Joint Satellite Clustering Meetings

The 14th World Gene Convention (WGC-2025)

The 11th Annual Conference of AnalytiX (AnalytiX-2025)

The 15th World Congress of Regenerative Medicine & Stem Cell (RMSC-2025)

The 15th Anniversary of Protein & Peptide Conference

The 10h Symposium on Enzymes & Bio-catalysis

Inaugurate World Congress of Biomedical Information Technology

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society


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