World DNA Day 2024 | Nagoya, Japan

Welcome Message

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It is truly our pleasure to announce that the Celebration of the 12th Anniversary World DNA Day (WDD-2024), which will be held during April 22-24, 2024 at Nagoya, Japan.

World DNA Day has been a major bio-event since the first anniversary in 2005, celebrating the revolutionary developments in biological and medical sciences since the discovery of the double helix setting the stage for the advancement of biology and medicine in the 21st century. This magnificent event has gained broad public support for more than a decade and has the additional goal of catalyzing multilateral international partnership in bio-economy, spreading and increasing the understanding of modern biological sciences among the lay public.

Be part of WDD event, let us Celebrate World DNA Day together!

Sincerely Yours,

Dr. Xiaodan Mei
Executive Chair

Hosting Organization

World High Technology Society

Operating Organization
Media Partners
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